Junior Takeover 2017


Junior Takeover 2017

Today approximately 700 Juniors came to school in their first ever senior shirt and colorful crowns to takeover the school. The Junior takeover is an event that started at Wiregrass Ranch last year with the Class of 2017. This year’s Junior class has been waiting anxiously for their chance to decorate a crown and come to school as royalty.

This year’s class decided to take this picture to new heights by having the class picture in the bus loop so the photographer could take the photo from on top of the cafeteria roof.

Mrs. Hewitt, 2018 class co-sponsor was excited for the new photo location.

“We hope that by taking the photo from above, we will get more faces in the photo. We want every Junior to feel represented by the picture,” Hewitt explained.

Photographer: Mrs. Khalaf

The Juniors are eager to take their place as the elders on campus and that showed in the enthusiasm today all over campus.

Junior student, Hannah Dibrango thinks the crowns made Junior takeover day more fun.

“It showed everyone’s creativity, but more importantly made us feel like top dogs on campus,” boasted Dibrango.

Junior student, Alexys Armentrout sported a sunflower crown today at Junior takeover.

“It was really hard to decide at first how to decorate my crown, but I had flowers at my house, so I decided to use them,” Armentrout stated.

Junior students, Jacob Hill and Nate Kotlyn both decorated their crowns with friends.

“I thought it was really fun because you could decorate it however you want and it was fun to do as a group,” Kotlyn explained.

The Juniors have officially taken over the campus as of today. Enjoy your senior year class of 2018!