Mu Alpha Theta starts off school year

Mu Alpha Theta logo; Mu, Alpha, and Theta are the Greek letters for M, A, and Th.

Mu Alpha Theta logo; Mu, Alpha, and Theta are the Greek letters for M, A, and Th.

National Mathematics Honor Society, also known as Mu Alpha Theta, held their first meeting on Thursday, September 8 in room 4-156 to begin their work for the new school year.

Sponsor Ms. Caitlin Smith says that the club is very active, participating in community service and math competitions.

“The bulk of their community service is completed by tutoring other Wiregrass Ranch High School (WRHS) students through the math department tutoring sessions,” said Smith. “The club also plans to participate in the Fall Festival, Relay For Life, and to hold a Pi Day Celebration.”

To ensure students are active in the club, each member must log at least 10 hours during the school year, but many go above and beyond this threshold.

For any students who wish to apply for the club, the application window for this school year is closed, but students may apply for membership in February of 2017 for the next school year.

Smith talks about requirements for applicants.

“The club is open to any student who completed Geometry, and maintained a 3.6 unweighted math GPA,” Ms. Smith said. “Most students apply at the end of their freshman year, but it is not uncommon to have an incoming freshman in our club.”

The club just held their first meeting as aforementioned, and their next activity is the Induction Ceremony for new members on October 13.

Sophomore Hannah Kim talks about the application process.

“The application process was fairly easy. Ms. Smith made it convenient,” Kim said. “You do not have to be amazing at math but you have to be willing to help. If algebra is your strength, then you can focus on that, but if geometry is your weakness, you do not have to work with that.”

As many students seek club and leadership experience for college applications, the leadership positions in Mu Alpha Theta are President, Vice President, Communication Coordinator, Math Competition Coordinator, and two Event Coordinators.

Along the lines of college applications, some students like Anjalie Teter, junior, are looking forward to the experience this club will offer.

“This club shows colleges that you stay on top of your studies and you are serious about your education. It will also help raise you up for pathways in the future,” said Teter, who is joining the club this year. “It is a great experience and you meet new people who will help you along the way.”