Outstanding Senior of the Year

Payton Wilson, Outstanding Senior

Payton Wilson was named the Outstanding Senior of the 2017 Senior Class. The Outstanding Senior award is based on scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship. Each year one senior is chosen out of all the others to be the Outstanding Senior.

To achieve this award the Senior body nominates the seniors who they believe display the qualities of the Outstanding Senior; then the faculty votes on the top ten nominees to select the winner. Each of the ten nominees must provide a resume to show that he or she possess the four traits. The resumes are displayed for the teachers to reference when voting.

WRHS Outstanding Senior, Payton Wilson, explains why he feels he received the award.

“I feel that I exemplify the qualities of a good leader, a good person in the community, and a good academic student,” says Wilson.

Wilson says that he has wanted to achieve this award since his Sophomore year, and even though he thought it might be a stretch, and he might not get it, he worked hard to practice the traits of an Outstanding Senior the best that he could.

Wilson stays humble about his award, saying that he believes other people worked hard for the award, like he did.

“There were many other strong candidates for the award,” says Wilson, “But I’m really glad I won.”

The Outstanding Senior from every high school in Pasco County will move on to a district competition later in the year, where they will be reviewed by a committee, to see who will represent the district as Pasco County’s Outstanding Senior.