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The student news site of Wiregrass Ranch High School

The Stampede

The student news site of Wiregrass Ranch High School

The Stampede

The student news site of Wiregrass Ranch High School

The Stampede

Giancarlo Urquia

Giancarlo Urquia, Writer

Hi! I am Giancarlo Urquia, a freshman at WRHS. I have an older brother who is seventeen. My hobbies include eating, sleeping, and going outside with my friends. The things I enjoy doing are swimming, having a kick around with a ball, and just browsing on the computer. My favorite sport is soccer, which is what I usually read articles about, or just playing games with my friends. So basically I do not do much, so writing about myself is always one of the hardest things for me to do.

All content by Giancarlo Urquia
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