Technology over paper

A world where technology replaces paper is rapidly approaching.

Kearns with an iPad, which she prefers over notebooks

The technology world is advancing at an unbelievable speed, and even though many do not want to believe it, technology is replacing paper; helping to slowly save the world one e-book at a time.

As useful as it is, over 30 million acres of forest are destroyed annually because of the production of paper. This can all be changed because almost any use for paper (maybe besides origami) can actually be taken over by a phone, computer, or tablet.

The conservation of paper is rising with iPad/tablet programs, online news, and mobile or online payment.

Ditching paper could help more than just the environment. The difference in efficiency can benefit individuals, especially those amongst the student body at Wiregrass Ranch High School (WRHS). One of those student’s in particular is Jenna Kearns, a freshman at WRHS.

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“Since I am an impatient person, technology is better for me because it takes less time to use,” Kearns explained. “I do not like to spend a lot of time searching for assignments in my backpack when I could be using that time to work.”

Making use of programs like Microsoft Word, instead of a pencil and paper, can dramatically cut the time it takes to write an essay. Organizing files on a computer takes up less space and time than it does to organize papers in a binder/folder.

Along with efficiency, personal devices (tablets and phones) are much easier to carry around than entire reams of notebook paper, textbooks, and massive collections of worksheets.

As a tech-filled future draws near, use of technology should be regular and frequent, especially in schools- since the next generations need to be immersed in new technology to keep up with changing times.

Many people like to stick to tradition, but a societal change could mean a lot for the environment and personal convenience, as well as the way we learn and gather information.