Featured Athlete: Wrestler Samir Sunna

Senior Wrestler Samir Sunna

Senior Wrestler, Samir Sunna

Samir Sunna is a senior wrestler at Wiregrass Ranch. He has been a member of the team since his sophomore year; he loves the sport and the hard work that goes into it.

Samir is the exemplification of the term “student-athlete,” with equal dedication and success in both athletics and academics. He plans on balancing college and wrestling in the future, but for now he is focused on graduating from high school and hopefully getting a scholarship to a university.

Wrestling means a lot to Samir and it’s not just a sport or hobby to him.

“Wrestling is another way for me to channel my emotions and my anger,” Sunna said.

Samir started wrestling two years ago, and is proud of the accolades that he has earned in that time.

“The most recent medal I received was at George Jenkins High School,” Samir gleamed. “I got third place; its a really good feeling.”

Another of his interests includes three dimensional design.

“I enjoy 3-D design, but wrestling is my life. I’m actually hoping I can get into the University of Alabama and wrestle either there or for a club.” Said Sunna

Seniors on the wrestling team

Samir is really going to miss wrestling with his teammates at Wiregrass Ranch, they shared some good times that they surely will not forget.

“My favorite memory of wrestling with my team is whenever it’s one of our birthdays. We get to take them down two times, it’s kinda like our own version of birthday punches,” Sunna reminisced.

The wrestling season is now over, but Samir hopes to continue his career in wrestling in the future. It is something he is passionate about, and Sunna is someone who never gives up on his goals once they are set.