Girls lacrosse lay groundwork for the new school year

New and returning players gathered after school Wednesday, September 12, to address the upcoming lacrosse season. This year’s meeting exceeded the previous year, with more girls present at this initial meeting.

Senior, Simone Billington, is looking forward to her final year on the team. She’s played since fourth grade and has basically grown up with a stick in her hand.

“This upcoming season should be great, we had a lot of girls that are super excited about playing,” Billington said. “I’m happy that people are so interested.”

Last year the team only lost 2 seniors, but this year have 10 seniors on the team. Sophomore, Alexa Malpartida is not looking forward to saying goodbye to so many teammates at the end of the year.

“It’s going to be sad to see a bunch of girls leave at the end of this year, but I’m so grateful just to have gotten the opportunity to play with them,” Malpartida said. “We will make the most of their final season.”

Last year, the team made it to district finals in their first year as an official school sport. Although they lost in the first round, it was a major accomplishment for the group. Coach Havermann has high hopes for the team this season.

“I had a lot of girls last year who never put a stick in their hand and learned to love and play the sport really well,” Havermann explained. “Lacrosse is a huge commitment and the girls from last year really followed through. Being a natural born athlete isn’t a requirement. I’m excited to see who all comes out this year.”

Senior, Carly Norman, knows the benefits of being a member of the lacrosse team.

“By being on the lacrosse team I am able to build leadership and teamwork,” Norman said.

Girls Lacrosse upcoming conditioning will start in December and tryouts will be the end of January. Anyone interested in playing are welcome to come out to the Wesley Chapel District Park fields starting October 2 every Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8 pm.