Beauty in nature

February 15, 2022

Guyana’s extensive jungle, however, is certainly a mesmerizing portion of the bountiful life in the Amazon Rainforest. The sheer depth of these thick forests that surround this small country proves that there are still places on this Earth that remain almost completely unscathed from human interaction.

Achiote, a plant native to Central America, is used for its waxy red dye which covers its seeds and is used for face and body paint. (A. Jhoda)

Approximately 85% of Guyana’s total land area is engulfed in rainforests. Unharmed by our immense population, Guyana’s wildlife has significantly high biodiversity and unimaginably low deforestation. In some parts of this country, it seems that nature rules over humans, governing the bounds of their living and the quality of their infrastructure. However, Guyanese peoples walk hand-in-hand with nature, balancing the fine line of comfortable living whilst taming the world around them.

My tours through this rainforest led me to many beautiful sights. This waterfall lies on a remote island near the end of a much deeper area of rainforest. (A. Jhoda)

It seems to me that only my ancestors and current natives are able to populate an environment with such harsh conditions. Guyana constantly remains at risk of detrimental floods, as most of the countries coastline lies 6 feet below sea level, and is protected by a seawall that acts as a 280-mile coastal defense system. The tropical climate and intense moisture give rise to hordes of mosquitoes that could bite for hours. As people who were initially brought over as slaves, these people managed to create a home in an otherwise unlivable country.

The beauty of Guyana lies in the rarity of seeing so much nature completely untouched, the way Mother Nature directly intended it to be. Many historical landmarks from the Dutch and British are largely abandoned and remain on negligible islands with populations merely in the double digits. To see nature still intact and in its most natural state, truly allows a once-in-a-lifetime experience to thoroughly enjoy it in all its glory. This, and I’m sure many natives would agree, makes Guyana truly alluring.

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